DDB - перевод на русский
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DDB - перевод на русский

Ddb; DDB (disambiguation)


общая лексика

Device Descriptor Block

блок дескриптора [виртуального] устройства


double-declining balance depreciation

сокр. от distributed database распределенная база данных
double-declining balance depreciation      

общая лексика

DDB амортизация методом двойного уменьшения остатка (метод начисления амортизации, при котором ставка амортизации, составляющая удвоенное значение дроби 1/n (n - срок службы, выраженный в годах), умножается на остаточную стоимость актива)


double-declining balance depreciation method; 200 percent declining balance method; double-declining balance method; double-declining-balance depreciation method; double declining balance depreciation; double declining balance method

Смотрите также

depreciation method; accumulated depreciation; accelerated cost recovery system; asset depreciation range system



DDB may refer to:

  • Dangerous Drugs Board, an agency of the Government of the Philippines
  • DDB Worldwide, an advertising agency
  • Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
  • Dogue de Bordeaux, breed of dog
  • Dortmund Data Bank, a factual data bank for thermophysical and thermodynamic data
  • DDB, Bitmap graphics or Digidesign Database File, in the Alphabetical list of filename extensions
  • DDB, distributed database, is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a common processor.
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • D&D Beyond
Примеры произношения для DDB
1. of DDB Spain.
Racism and Equality _ Lilian Thuram _ Talks at Google
2. 1959, DDB, they go out and say ugly
Behavioral Biases That Influence What We Buy _ Richard Shotton _ Talks at Google
3. They found out, the people at DDB found out that literally a hillbilly couple, who lived
Engines of Change _ Paul Ingrassia _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для DDB
1. For the next three years, she worked at Ri–Vita DDB.
2. While at DDB, she did a three–month internship in Paris.
3. Promoaction DDB Chairman Talal Dhulaymi and Al–Hadaf Advertising Managing Director Tareq Khedher also addressed the road show.
4. "Right now the US government is not a credible messenger," said Mr Reinhard, chairman of DDB Worldwide, the advertising group.
5. Omnicom is the world‘s largest advertising group, and owner of three of the 10 biggest global advertising brands: DDB, BBDO and TBWA Worldwide.